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Sellers Information

Considering an auction for personal,  commercial or collectible items?

Conducting an auction can be an effective way of selling unused items, estates, inventory liquidations, and more.  Understanding the process and the best way to move forward can be daunting.


Let Missouri Auction Pros help you determine if an auction is the best way to move forward and, if so, how we can help you achieve the best results.

Stressed Man

 The Missouri Auction Pros Step-by-Step Process

Step 1:  Decide what kind of auction you'd like us to hold for you.

Step 2:  We'll help you decide when to hold your auction.

Step 3:  Sit back and let us do the rest.

Step 4:  After completion of the auction, collect your proceeds from the sale.

Step 5:  Tell all of your friends about us to collect a $100 referral fee for each friend who says you referred them to Mo Auction Pro upon completing their sale.

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